Fredrik about his career, China, and Summer Ski Sprint!

Fredrik Persson 29, is a ski profile in Sweden, he is also starting to create a name in China after his victory in Vasaloppet China earlier this year. Now he is back in China to attend Summer Ski Sprint in Changbai Mountain for the second time.

To get some honest, third party statements about Fredrik’s skiing abilities, we asked his friend and team-mate Gustav Berglund to describe Fredrik as a skier, here is the answer “He is a very stubborn skier, never gives up when he has a scent of gold. He is

Fredrik Persson 29, is a ski profile in Sweden, he is also starting to create a name in China after his victory in Vasaloppet China earlier this year. Now he is back in China to attend Summer Ski Sprint in Changbai Mountain for the second time.

To get some honest, third party statements about Fredrik’s skiing abilities, we asked his friend and team-mate Gustav Berglund to describe Fredrik as a skier, here is the answer “He is a very stubborn skier, never gives up when he has a scent of gold. He is

also very detailed, always make sure everything work perfectly. However, sometimes he fights a bit too hard when not needed”.

We interviewed Fredrik in a relaxed environment at one of Beijing’s outdoor terraces, the day before he left up north to prepare for the ski sprint.

What is the best thing with being a professional skier?
To be able to practice something you love to do…and do that every day.

How often are you training?
About 600-700 hours/year. But during May 1-October 30, the busiest period, I train around 15-20 hours/week.

What are you training when you are not skiing?
A lot of running and roller skis. But I also lift weights in the gym sometimes

How old were you when you got your first skis?
3 years old when I got my first skis. However, I started to take part in competitions when I was 6-7 years old.

What would you do if you were not a professional skier?
I would probably start my own company within the sports industry…a future dream!
Actually, I have already invented a new innovation product related to skiing that is not released yet, but will hopefully be very soon, we are working on it.

What sport would you practice if XC skiing didn’t exist?
Soccer, I played soccer since I was very young until I started high school, then I started to focus solely on skiing.
How good were you? I was actually pretty good, I almost made it to the county team in my district when I was around 16.

What is your impression of China?
(Note, that this is Fredrik’s fourth time in China, which kind of speak for itself! =)
It is very different from home, the environment is maybe not as organized as in Sweden, but it is very interesting and a good adventure to be here.
Also, I really do appreciate what Nordic Ways are doing for the ski sport here in China

What is your best ski-memory?
When I won Vasaloppet China in January this year, and also when I took my first medal in the Swedish Championships in Skellefteå 2004 at 15K.

How long are you continuing as an elite skier?
Well, no plans of giving up yet…will probably ski a few more years.

Who will be the winner this weekend?
Hopefully me! =)

Then, who are your main competitors?
Björn of course (Björn Lind, last year’s winner), and also Högan (Anders Högberg), they are both very good in sprint.